Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why does it bother me? Part one: "The Good Wife"

I don't think I am a picky watcher. I don't scratch the show out just because it has major plot holes *cough*DoctorWho*cough*, nor do I particularly enjoy finding the inconsistencies in the plot… well, unless they are really absurd, then I can't help myself. But I usually grumble about it to these few people who want to listen and then I let it go. But once in a while (and I mean: on average once per an episode) there is this one little detail that just bugs me. While it's not big enough to make a big deal out of it, I just feel like someone should point it out.

Recently I returned to "the Good Wife". As a person who doesn't know a first thing about law - any law - I still adore it. I love Baranski's performance, Julianna Margulies is stunning, I love the tension between the characters, I love Kalinda, and I love the moment when the team crushes their opponents in court.

Oh yeah, you guessed it: there is a "but" coming.

I have an small issue with this show literally since the very first episode. I mean… Why is Alicia Florick always late to basically every meeting she has? She is a goddamn lawyer, and a quite good too, but I don't think there was a one meeting she wasn't late to. And I don't mean only these at work. She's late to her husband's campaign meetings, she is late to her family gatherings (though these seem to suffer the least), she is late to the court, she is late for work. I can understand that the writers wanted to introduce a character, who apart from being a busy lawyer, is a busy mum and a busy person, but somehow I just can't get over the fact that no one notices this horrible lack of discipline. Neither sharp-tongued Kalinda nor Cary, who should at least try using it for his advantage during his first season competition with Alice.

So that's a small portion of frustration for today. And hey, if it keeps being my only problem with "the Good Wife", I might have to call it one of the best shows I've seen.

                                                                                                          go watch something! - Aga

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